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Construction Materials
Engineering Testing

At Geotex Engineering, we offer comprehensive construction materials testing services to ensure the quality and integrity of your construction projects. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and industry best practices to deliver accurate and reliable results. Whether you are constructing a building, road, bridge, or any other infrastructure project, our services will help you meet regulatory requirements and ensure the safety and durability of your structures. From small additions to new high school campuses, commercial/industrial complexes, roadways, and airports, our Materials Testing Division has the experienced personnel to provide Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) testing and inspection services for your project.

Our staff includes a full complement of professional engineers, geologists, laboratory managers and ACI, ICC, TxDOT and NICET-certified technicians who provide a broad suite of construction tests and inspections, material testing, project documentation, and comprehensive audit support, all performed to meet rigorous industry requirements. Our certified independent laboratories (accredited by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials – AASHTO) are designed to test in-house or we offer onsite testing. Testing includes ASTM and other relevant standards. We use the latest technology and methods to investigate subsurface conditions to identify and assess any risks posed by site conditions to the project.

Our approach to performing construction materials testing and inspection services is thorough, reliable, and unique to your project’s needs. We maintain consistent communication throughout the project life-cycle so you are aware of progress as its made in real-time.

Our Services

Our soil testing services provide crucial information about the geotechnical properties of your construction site. We offer various tests, such as:

  • Soil composition analysis
  • Soil compaction testing
  • Soil classification and gradation analysis
  • Permeability testing
  • Moisture density relationships and testing
  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing

By assessing soil properties, we can determine the appropriate foundation design, excavation requirements, and soil stabilization techniques for your project.

Our concrete testing services help assess the quality and strength of your concrete components. We offer a range of tests, inspections and observations, including:

  • Compressive strength testing
  • Slump testing
  • Concrete mix design analysis
  • Concrete durability assessment
  • Concrete curing monitoring
  • Reinforcing steel placement
  • Batch Plant Inspections
  • Post-tensioning Placement & Stressing
  • Drilled Shaft Inspection
  • ACIP Pile Inspection

Our expert technicians perform these tests in accordance with relevant standards and specifications, providing you with detailed reports and recommendations to optimize your concrete mixes.

We provide comprehensive asphalt testing services to ensure the performance and longevity of your pavement surfaces. Our services include:

  • Asphalt mix design analysis
  • Asphalt density and compaction testing
  • Plan inspections
  • Laydown observation and rolling patterns
  • Stability / Hveem / Marshall / Super Pave

With our asphalt testing expertise, you can ensure that your road surfaces are durable, resistant to cracking, and capable of withstanding heavy traffic loads.

We offer a wide range of tests to evaluate the quality and properties of aggregates used in construction projects. Our aggregate testing services include:

  • Sampling
  • Sieve analysis
  • Absorption and specific gravity
  • L.A. Abrasion testing
  • Sound tests

By testing aggregates, we can help you select the right materials for your projects, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

We specialize in providing comprehensive testing and analysis solutions for masonry materials used in construction projects. From evaluating the strength and durability of bricks and blocks to assessing mortar properties, we offer a range of services to meet your specific requirements.

  • Casting & compression testing of grout prisms, grout cylinders, composite prisms.
  • Observation of reinforcing steel placements
  • Observation of mortar joints

We offer a range of testing services to assess the quality and integrity of structural steel components. Our services include:

  • Visual inspection
  • Ultrasonic testing
  • Magnetic particle testing
  • Torque and tension testing
  • Dye penetrant testing

We specialize in providing a range of specialized testing solutions for various materials in unique industries. Our state-of-the-art facilities, industry expertise, and commitment to quality ensure accurate and reliable results for your specific testing requirements. From fireproofing testing to landfill liners, we offer comprehensive testing and inspection services to meet your specialized needs.

  • Fireproofing Testing
  • Paint Testing
  • Storm Shelters
  • FEMA Storm Door and Windows
  • Landfill Liners

Contact us today to discuss your construction materials testing needs. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in achieving quality and safety in your construction projects.