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Services We Offer

Geotex provides services for geotechnical engineering analysis and recommendations for all construction materials and quality control testing across multiple markets.

Geotechnical engineering is fundamental to all construction. For over 20 years, Geotex has provided geotechnical engineering analysis and recommendations for foundations, slopes, retaining structures, embankments, tunnels and pavements. Our job is to identify the issues below before they become your problem.

Geotechnical Engineering


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Owners, engineers, and contractors rely on Geotex to verify that buildings and infrastructure are constructed in accordance with design documents and project specifications. Our experienced engineers and certified technicians provide a broad suite of construction materials tests and inspections, all performed under a Quality Program that meets ASTM and AASHTO requirements
Construction Materials Engineering Testing


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Why Go Geotex?


Our team of qualified engineers, drillers and technicians have extensive experience in geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing. They are knowledgeable about industry standards and regulations.

In-House Drilling Capabilities

Our in-house drilling team performs field investigations without relying on subcontractors. Our drilling rig fleet includes ATV and Track Rigs that can operate in soft ground conditions after inclement weather.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of project timelines and strive to deliver testing services within the agreed-upon timeframes.

Client-Focused Approach

We prioritize clear communication, personalized service, and a strong commitment to meeting our clients’ needs.

Advanced Technology

We utilize cutting-edge technology and industry-standard software for accurate data collection and analysis.


We utilize advanced testing equipment and follow industry-standard testing methods to ensure accurate and reliable results.


We adhere to relevant industry standards and regulations to ensure compliance with safety and quality requirements.

Detailed Reporting

Our comprehensive reports provide in-depth analysis, clear recommendations, and actionable insights to support your decision-making process.